Friday, January 30, 2009

Tapas Night Out

Last night, January 29th, I set up a private cooking class at Central Market Cooking School for the Junior League. It was a full class and oh so much fun! I arranged the menu to be Tapas- basically Spanish appetizers. The food was divine! (they even accommodated my vegetarian diet) It was so much fun- food, wine and friends! Anytime anyone wants to attend a class... I will be there in a heartbeat!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Daddy's girl

I found "little miss thing" wearing daddy's hat backwards and playing with all the band-aids. When she noticed I was in the room, she thought she could hide from me in the hat. Nice try- there's a big hole!

Emy's Beer Goggles

Emery enjoys wearing these "Bob the Builder" goggles around the house. Each time she has them on I cannot help but think of them as beer goggles. For those of you who don't know what beer goggles are- Google it!

Monday, January 26, 2009

All Aboooooard!!!

Conveniently located right next to the zoo is the train. Of course every little boy (and girl) love riding the train! So, after our zooeducation, we rode the train. Huston had the best time yelling "All Abooard" the entire time. Emery had the best time climbing all over the seat until the engine started and she got spooked. She only wanted to sit in my lap during the train ride.

San Antonio Zoo... Here we come!

Huston, Emery and I were invited to go to a ZOOeducation by our neat friends. We were taught about animals with spots and stripes. It was really entertaining. We listened to a story, make a zebra with our finger-prints and then got to see one of the exhibits that had stripes up close and personal. A little too personal for me- as you can tell by the photos. When the snake came quietly out nice and still I was brave snapping the photos until that little thing moved and so did my hand! Snakes our one of my fears... I did ok. Emery was playing on top of a table uninterested while I was holding Huston. Thank God for the other Zoo teachers there to help me out with Emery while Huston was screaming for the snake to be put back. Wow... I can hardly handle my two and to think I want more kids...

Look what happens when H takes the camera!

Huston received a kid's digital camera for Christmas because he loves taking pics with our nice digital camera. Well, he still uses our digital camera to take photos. Here are some shots that he took while around the house this weekend. (Remember, I was getting over the "roto-virus")

Emery's in a bed!

Today is Monday, January 26. It seems as though I only post on Mondays... :) I was fortunate to have caught the nasty "roto-virus" last Thursday night. Clark was so nice to call in sick from work on Friday to watch the kids for me. I was in a horrible condition. I am feeling more like myself today. He was even very considerate to "clean-up" the living room and kitchen where he and the kids were playing while they were napping!

***BIG NEWS***

Clark took the front piece of Emery's crib off so it is now a toddler bed. She LOVES it! She thinks she is now hot stuff. I had been wondering when it would be time to take it off. I am the one that put her in her crib (because she chooses me) for naps and bedtime that I practically drop her in the crib because she gets too heavy for me. So, here are some pics of her posing by her "new" bed and laying in her new easy-access bed.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, Monday...

The kids and I thought it would be a perfect day to meet up with some friends to play in the park today, Monday, January 19. On our way, I was stopped by a cop. The kids thought it was fantastic seeing the lights go off on his car and the whole cop outfit. They were wide-eyed. I on the other hand had no clue what I did wrong. I had my seatbelt on, the kids had their seatbelts on, I was going the speed limit (or less) and my registration wasn't due until June! Apparently, I don't have a front license plate on my car (Clark doesn't like them on the front of vehicles) and it is a new law to have a front license plate. The cop was just as nice as can be. He just gave me a warning. He was getting a kick out of the kids worshipping him! I guess I will be putting new license plates on my car- I have no idea where the front one is. Things to do tomorrow... Anyway, when we arrived at the park we all had fun. It was fun catching up with other mommies whom I haven't seen in quite some time. Everyone's kiddos are growing up too fast!

Birthday Parties Everywhere!

One of Huston's favorite word right now is everywhere. When there are a lot of parties, he tells me that there are parties everywhere. Saturday, January 17, we went to one of Huston's "good" friends from school (Brock) birthday party. The location was at a gym close by the house. He had fun... except he got a little nervouse being in the foam square pit (talk about not getting out easily!). Then on Sunday, January 18, we had another friend from school (Julia) birthday party at a place called Inflatable Wonderland. It was our first time. The layout is wonderful with all the bouncy houses in one room! It was a little crowded being that it was the weekend and lots of birthday parties going on. We would go back probably during the week sometime. (I was going down all the slides myself and having a ball with Huston thinking to myself why there weren't any other parents going down these fun slides... when we left I saw about three signs saying no parents allowed on the slides- OOOPS!)

Wedding Shower

Saturday, January 17, I was honored to attend a wedding shower of a dear/ special friend of mine from middle school and high school. We lost touch for a few years after college, but I am happy to say that we are friends again. I have been going to lots of baby showers these past few years, so it was funny to me saying wedding shower. I had to double check on my words. The bride-to-be is Kristina Arredondo (soon to be Yarbrough) and the pic with the three of us is another dear and special friend from middle school, Nicole Neese Hill. It was a great seeing them and catching up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Roasting marshmallows

Last Friday, January 9th, Clark came home early from work and we grilled pizzas. Yes, I made the dough and slapped it on the grill. Then we each made our pizzas- cheese (for the kids), bistro chicken for Clark and veggie for me. They were sooo good! Clark was unsure of it at first, but it turned out to be some of the best pizza we have had! After we ate our food I didn't want the fire to go to waste. I pulled out my gourmet William Sonoma marshmallows and a wire hanger. The kids had fun- they were half dressed for bed running around in their night shirts and undies (don't forget we are still potty-training!). Huston had fun burning/catching the marshmallow on fire and Emery had more fun eating it. Then it was off to bed while I went to the grocery store! (Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be in a grocery store on a Friday night- other than buying adult beverages!)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Toilet Training

For those of you who are udderly grossed out by these photos- you don't have kids yet. If you do- funny how you get excited about things like this. I wouldn't have ever thought a little poopie in the potty would make my day 5+ years ago- heck, last year! As of Monday, January 5, we are toilet training the kids. It was all Emery's idea. I wasn't ready yet. Guess the kid's poop in the photos above. We have Emery's huge poopie and Huston's little poopie. (You would've thought it would be the other way around, huh?) Stay tuned for fun stories. BTW- Emery's interest in the toilet is over. She is no longer thrilled with it. I at least keep trying- a little. Why not do this all in one shot.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Random photos of the kids from the fall

Just to get everyone up to speed- I thought I would show some random pics of the kids from the fall. I will begin from here on out posting pics in some sort-of order. Check back often. It's my New Year's Resolution to update this frequently.

Photos that were taken right before Christmas from our awesome photographer and his lovely assistant. These are the actual everyday family photos. Then I have a photo of my precious men.

Here we go!

Ok, starting a blog has been on my list of things to do now since Huston has been born... that was 3 1/2 years ago. I thought that I might give Facebook a try- nah. Not for me. This will be an interesting adventure for me. Have fun!