Today Emery woke up with a fever of 101.4. I kept thinking that it would go away and I wouldn't call the doctor. Yeah right, I tend to call the doctor and make appointments super quick. Being that it is March- the month of sickness everywhere- I wanted to make sure that she didn't have an ear infection. Yep it was an ear infection. Huston had one last week and is finishing up his meds from it. At our appt today, the doctor wanted to take a look at Huston's ear (the one infected last week) to make sure it was healing well. Huston had his hand covering the ear after the doctor took a look at it today- mind you it was like he was getting a shot- terrrible! When we got home, the only thing that made him stop crying so hard was to put a band-aid on it- hence the band-aid on the ear. After hearing him moan about it for half an hour we fixed it with a band-aid. Then his dad had to make a comment (H had totally forgotten about it by then) and then it started all over... My sister, Aunt Elise, gave Emery her old Barbie's from our childhood. Emery wanted one for the tub and then Huston wanted one so I pulled out the old Ken doll (a boy doll) for Huston.
They had a blast with them in the tub! Huston and I had a funny conversation while he was bathing. He asked

me what I was chewing (gum). Then I told him that he couldn't start chewing it until he was 5. He told me that he was already 4 almost 5 (he will be 4 in July). Then he said.... "I am old- really old". Gotta love it! I left the kids playing in the tub while the water was draining from the tub to get their jammies. I came back to find brown spots floating in the tub right next to Emery. What in the world?!?! After realizing what it was and laughing so hard- Huston starts screaming that it was coming close to him and about to touch him. I could hardly get him out of the tub I was laughing so hard. Then Emery gets up from the tub and says- "Uh-Oh!" Priceless!
This post is dedicated to my younger brother. While all three of us kids used to bathe in the tub together- Elise would be the one to scream- "What's that brown thing!?!?" Love you guys!!