Monday, March 30, 2009

Done in a Day

I didn't think we would be done in a day! I was thrilled! We even took many breaks (with two kids) and stopped "working" during nap time. Everything was back in the closet (with two contractor bags full of trash and give aways) by 7 p.m. Huston helped Clark with all the power tools. He would take out of his tool box the same items that Clark was using. Even down to the measuring tape! It was too cute! Emery "helped" me get my closet back together. Then we have the finished product- which doesn't do it justice. Imagine all that stuff on just one rack- now I have more shelves and room to walk around in there! I even have a chair/stool in there. Before, if I had that chair/stool- you wouldn't be able to walk any around the closet. I still have one more plastic bin to buy and then I am set! Thank you Clark! I love you! ***two of the photos above were taken by our family photographer- Huston.

Let the Closet Begin!

Within hours of letting Clark know that I would like my closet redone we were at Lowe's (Friday p.m.). The next day, Saturday, at 8:30 a.m. we were beginning the process. I am sad that I totally forgot to take a pic of the closet before- with all the stuff in it. It was bad.... even I have to admit. I would go in there- grab what I needed and slam the door to avoid any casualties. There was not much room to even walk- you had to step in certain spots carefully and always look down because you never know what you could be stepping on. As I have mentioned before, it is a simple rectangle small closet with ONE u-shape rack going along the wall. Clark built the lower shelf one-two weeks before Huston was due with his dad. That was helpful to have some sort of bins there to store things you don't hang. Until you have kids that know how to walk and pull everything out of the bins- at least once a day. I did remember to snap some shots after we unloaded everything in the bedroom. The bed was made and the room was nicely picked up before we started so EVERYTHING (boxes, clothes, wrapping paper and all) came from the small hole called my closet. Oh, we did have one little thing go wrong- Clark accidently broke the outer glass to the light in my closet- while the kids were playing underneath him in their bare feet! Thank God nothing happened... I don't do well with blood.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friday Night at Lowe's

My how times have changed with kiddos! Before kids, Friday night was a big date night or go out with friends night. Now with kiddos, it is just another fun night around here... :) The family went to Costco to buy diapers and wipes. While we were there we ate dinner- yes, the food is actually pretty good (it's SOOOO bad for you but you can cheap quick food for the family for under $9). Then we headed over to Lowe's Home Improvement Store. I had casually mentioned to Clark that I would like my closet reorganized with a new clothing rack (about 6 months into moving into the house my clothing rack started to bend- it's been 5 years later and still ok). My current closet is a rectangle shape with a u-shape clothing rack inside along the wall. Pretty basic. I wanted double racks so I can store off-season clothes up higher and current season within reach. Then I wanted shelves along one side for more storage. I am stuck at a tough spot because I have current clothes, pre-maternity/after baby clothes and maternity clothes plus other mom stuff to store in my closet. Anyway, we went to Lowe's as a family. Mind you it was getting close to bedtime and the kids were wired!

Tea Party

Emery and I went over to a friends house while Huston was at "school". My good friend has a son around Huston's age and a little girl, Anna, around Emery's age. The kids love playing with each other and I think Anna is Emery's first good girlfriend (if they have those at this age!). The girls were having a tea party during lunch and notice Emery's doll made the photo. Emery is VERY attached to her dolls these days. I am very excited about that because while I was in Chicago, I went to the American Girl Store and bought her a doll for her 2nd b-day. It's hidden in my closest until June 5th. I think she will love it!

Like Father Like Daughter...

Need I say more?

Random Pics

Here are two random pics. We have Huston and Emery reading on his bed. They love reading and especially Bob the Builder... Emery can sing the theme song for you! Then we have been enjoying these beautiful spring days outside in the backyard. For Christmas, Huston got a soccer set complete with a goal post, t-ball set, golf clubs and more sports equipment. It has come in handy on these wonderful days! Huston will begin playing an organized sport in the fall- soccer or t-ball.

Friday, March 27, 2009


In my Bible Study that my mom and I are in, there is a lady who has been asking for prayers for this particular family since we met after the Christmas break. It is her best friend who lives outside of Texas. They found out that they were expecting kiddo #2 back in August and in the middle of December found out some sad news. Their baby #2 would not live once it was born. I have been following this blog since January and today, Friday, March 27 is the day that they will be inducing her. She is just praying that her baby will live for a few moments after it is born so she has some precious one on one time with her. Please keep this family in your prayers...

If you would like to follow them today or catch up on their pregnancy-

Thursday, March 26, 2009


This past weekend Clark took Huston out to play golf. This isn't the first time they have gone out to hit the sticks. Huston loves to golf and frequently asks Clark when they are going to go "golfing". Clark loves it! Huston enjoys himself out on the golf course... but of course he is three years old and gets bored after 3 holes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Quick updates

1. Emery still has the front part of her crib in place. It won't be taken off again for quite some time.... even though my back hurts from laying her in the crib.
2. Arnold and Edwina (the fish) are still ALIVE!! They are happily thriving even through multiple overdose of food, paint spilled in their water and little hands dipped in their "tanks" to pet them.
Life is Good. :)

Breakfast of Champions!

Huston usually gets a do-nut before church on Sundays. This Sunday he did not behave before church and did not get one. BUT his teachers said that he did a great job in SS! As a treat we were going to get him a do-nut but they were all out. :( Do not worry! Krispy Kreme do-nut is around the corner! Here they are having do-nuts- Huston chose a basketball do-nut and we got Emery a glazed so she wouldn't get it on her dress.

Thank God for Ice Cream!

Since FT was a flop, we ended up getting some ice cream. Huston loves blue ice cream with sprinkles and Emery (according to Huston) likes pink ice cream with sprinkles. Huston has begun a phase that he does not like his photo to be taken. He says I take too many photos of him. So he seems to turn while I push the button. We compromised and I was able to take a pic of his ice cream. I had to be at a meeting downtown within an hour from our ice cream episode and I had to be professionally/ nice casual dressed for the evening. First of all, who in the world goes to Fiesta Texas for a quick hour in the heat and then takes kids to get ice cream? When I arrived at my meeting- I was in a coat of old sweat (from pushing a double jogger with swarms of people in 85 degrees), stains on my shirt from the sunblock pump that I couldn't get working at first and ended up spraying myself twice trying to fix the darn thing and then my makeup that wore off with the old sweat that was dripping down my face while pushing the "hot dog" cart around FT. Just another day in paradise...

Fiesta Texas.... flop

We decided to go to Fiesta Texas this past week (it wasn't Spring Break in San Antonio- ours was the previous week) and BIG mistake. It was packed- no make that JAMMED with people everywhere. I don't think FT prepared for it to be that busy- especially since we went on a Thursday. The kids and I were meeting up with Daphne and Ellie (and their friends, Amy & Royce) but I never caught up with them. The kids and I were there an hour (good thing for our season pass!) and we were able to ride the train. I am so grateful that I brought the double jogging stroller. Huston is "too big" (according to him, NOT me!) for any strollers and refuses to sit in them. Since I was by myself in this people-jammed place, I had to have him in the stroller for my peace of mind and safety. They ate lots of Veggie-Tale fruit chews for bribery. I had to be downtown for a JL meeting within two hours of us entering FT theme park. We didn't end riding anything but the train. The lines were horribly long. I overheard someone complain that they had been there since noon (we arrived at 3:15pm) and had only been able to ride one ride. Of course the kids didn't want to leave because they wanted to ride something else before they left. We even tried to get a drink and waited in the line for over 20 minutes. We were still 3 from the front- I left with two screaming kids. Going to the car and getting ice cream at a near-by ice cream shop was my saving grace. The pictures here are of us riding the train and then how they spent their hour at FT- in a stroller! BTW- we never did find Daphne & Co.

calculator nerd....

When we were out at dinner, Huston wanted to bring his calculator. He has been fascinated with calculators since he was months old. I think we have a numbers guy on our hands... no big surprise since family on both my side and Clark's are number guru's (I joke around saying Clark is my human calculator). He made some time admidst playing to eat - while safely storing his calculator in his back pocket. A couple of times he would forget that he left it back there and would come crying to us that he lost it. We had to remind him that he put it in his pocket. :)

Family in town

Daphne and Ellie came to town with friends from Dallas- Amy and her son Royce. We had dinner and drinks at Scenic Loop Cafe while the kids had the best time playing together. It was such a nice night and peaceful. Here are some random shots that I took while we were out there- remember how my camera likes to go B & W on me??

Super Stars!

Emery (my little diva) loves wearing sunglasses. Since she gets attention wearing sunglasses, Huston now likes to wear them as well. Here they are sporting their shades...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sic Em Bears!

So close yet so far away... The Bears had a chance to make the Big 12 Championship, but in the end they ended up losing. Saturday night we were invited to a "Baylor Bears" get-to-gether to the country club by the Allen's. Our fellow Baylor Bears (the Talleys) and their Baylor bound cubs were included. We all tried to wear at least green and gold- but it was chilly outside so our normal Baylor t-shirts were covered up by something else or had a different color added to the mix. We had a great time and Emery LOVED being doted on by the two Talley girls. She was soaking it all up! I had never seen that before. Future babysitters... hopefully this summer!

The game tended to be a little boring... no offense, Bears! Kathryn "Lovey" and Huston decided to take pics of each other- hence the random K shot.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What's that brown thing...

Today Emery woke up with a fever of 101.4. I kept thinking that it would go away and I wouldn't call the doctor. Yeah right, I tend to call the doctor and make appointments super quick. Being that it is March- the month of sickness everywhere- I wanted to make sure that she didn't have an ear infection. Yep it was an ear infection. Huston had one last week and is finishing up his meds from it. At our appt today, the doctor wanted to take a look at Huston's ear (the one infected last week) to make sure it was healing well. Huston had his hand covering the ear after the doctor took a look at it today- mind you it was like he was getting a shot- terrrible! When we got home, the only thing that made him stop crying so hard was to put a band-aid on it- hence the band-aid on the ear. After hearing him moan about it for half an hour we fixed it with a band-aid. Then his dad had to make a comment (H had totally forgotten about it by then) and then it started all over... My sister, Aunt Elise, gave Emery her old Barbie's from our childhood. Emery wanted one for the tub and then Huston wanted one so I pulled out the old Ken doll (a boy doll) for Huston.
They had a blast with them in the tub! Huston and I had a funny conversation while he was bathing. He asked me what I was chewing (gum). Then I told him that he couldn't start chewing it until he was 5. He told me that he was already 4 almost 5 (he will be 4 in July). Then he said.... "I am old- really old". Gotta love it! I left the kids playing in the tub while the water was draining from the tub to get their jammies. I came back to find brown spots floating in the tub right next to Emery. What in the world?!?! After realizing what it was and laughing so hard- Huston starts screaming that it was coming close to him and about to touch him. I could hardly get him out of the tub I was laughing so hard. Then Emery gets up from the tub and says- "Uh-Oh!" Priceless!

This post is dedicated to my younger brother. While all three of us kids used to bathe in the tub together- Elise would be the one to scream- "What's that brown thing!?!?" Love you guys!!