This is the first season we have considered putting Huston in a team sport. We had thought all along that he would be playing soccer, but thankfully it didn't happen that way. Huston is playing ball with two out of the three best buds he has from Concordia days. Andrew and Brock (Corbin wasn't able to play this fall) are on his team and they have a blast together. We had our first practice with the first game being two days after the first practice. I brought my camera to the practice, yet the video camera will be coming out with the first game. What a hoot watching these kids!! The team name is the Cardinals- a safe mascot. The boys all thought it would be fun to just keep running the bases as soon as they were released onto the field. The coach brought them over to huddle and "talk" about not picking grass and playing while they are in the outfield- HA!! Each player was able to "hit" the ball and run to each base. Huston doesn't understand that you have to end up at each base- take one at a time. Nope, not him, he wants to run the entire field after he hits- as if he has hit a homerun. After Brock or Andrew have hit the ball, he decides that he is going to run with them while they run to the necessary base. He is thinking that they are racing. Poor thing.... he doesn't get it. He is just having the time of his life out there. Good thing we didn't try this last year- it would have been a waste.
8 years ago