For the kid's birthday present, our friends J. and Will gave the kids an animal of their choice to Build A Bear. Of course it came complete with our friends accompanying us to the location. So, we met at B A B and had such a fun time picking out our choice of animal and watching/helping them fill our bear! Emery loved cleaning her bear- she was there for most of her time. Since B A B is at a mall, we went to the food court to have some lunch. The food court in in the second level which means that we had to ride up the escalator. My kids had never been on one so it was a new experience for them. When we were going up for the first time, Emery wanted to be held and then Huston wanted me to hold him as well. I couldn't even hold his hand because I was holding Emery and two B A B boxes (those massive "homes" that the animals come in). My friend Roxanne held his hand while her two boys were enjoying the ride up. It was so funny to see H's little knees wobble. They were shaking so badly- poor thing. After he went up and down once he was an old pro! He wanted to go again. Emery had enough, so I stayed and watched.
8 years ago
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