On November, 15th, Rachael Gray and I ran another 1/2 marathon. One of these days (before I turn 40) I plan on running a full marathon. Right now I don't have much time- as if I will have more time as the kids get older (ha!). The run began at 7:30am and it was ideal temps for the spectators. Last year it was about 30 degrees and there were some brave souls out there watching the runners! This year the weather was about 65 degrees, but it was very humid. They were expecting rain in the forecast, but it rained later that afternoon. My time in 2008 was 2 hours and 27 minutes. I beat my time this year by one minute! I finished the run at 2 hours and 26 minutes. Gotta say that I am at least consistent! At the run in '08, I ran by myself and this year I ran with Rachael so it made the race more fun. We had Clark and the kids cheering us on at mile 3, Rachael's hubby & fam at 4.5, Rachael's in-laws at 7, Clark & kids along with my parents at 8, Rachael's fam at 9-10 and then all the families at the end. What a fun morning!! I can't wait for the next one... maybe I will be my time by another minute!! :)
Side note: Clark is my biggest fan. He was out there with the kids bright and early. The first location they were at was in front of the Alamo. I had packed a "goodie bag" of things that the kids could do during the "down time" - since there was lots of down time for them while they waited to see me pass them. While they were waiting at the first location, Clark brought out the sidewalk chalk. How many kids can say that they were able to draw on the grounds in front of the Alamo?? Pretty cool. After drawing on the sidewalk wasn't fun anymore (all of 10 minutes, if that) they were getting restless in the stroller with their clothes all dirty. Poor Clark couldn't keep up with Huston's tiny bladder. Huston had to have his pants changed more than 3 times while the race was going on that he finally ended up in a diaper when I meet up with them at the end.