On Wednesday, October 28, we went to the Petroleum Club with my mom. The kids were able to dress up in their costumes and they had pumpkins set-up to decorate. You could either carve your pumpkin or paint it. We stuck with painting our pumpkins. Huston wanted to be a superhero this year but wasn't sure which one. So, we dubbed him Super H. Emery loves wearing her ballerina swimsuit- so only fitting that she wore her swimsuit! After we painted our pumpkins we ate an Italian meal and finished our evening with a game of Musical Chairs. Huston and Emery have never played the game before. I haven't played in years and it was one of my favorites in my early elementary years. Huston got the hang of it and lasted pretty long in the game. He was the youngest in a group of 11/12 and younger. He had a ball!!
8 years ago
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