I cannot believe that Huston has two more games for the entire season! Where has the time gone?? This has been an awesome year for him to be doing this. He has really blossomed and enjoys all the boys on his team. About half of the team goes to SACS! Gotta love my old alma mater! I am so thrilled to see such a progress in him. He has really come out of his shell- and he is becoming such a big boy! Today, October 31, Huston got to ride in Jim's "race car" to the game. He loved sitting in the front with the top down. While we are at the game- Clark enjoys sitting in the dugout with all the kids while they wait their turn to bat. We had some tired kids today- they were up late last night carving pumpkins with the White's. Huston gets a kick out of making "snow angels" in the orange dirt. He does this at practice and at the games. I have to get after him and tell him to get up and play the game- it's not snow. I guess since we don't get any snow we have to make up for it somehow. Today was my friend Shannon's turn to bring the snack after the game- Andrew's momma. She came with this Captain Morgan box. I think she was subtly trying to tell us something. She didn't think a thing of it until she arrived and all the dads quickly noticed and said something immediately to her (as a joke, of course). She was very embarassed- yet handled herself very well.
8 years ago
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