Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tia Linda

My Aunt Linda (father's sister) was in town for about a week. Emery and I went to go visit my aunt and grandparents while Huston was in Mother's Day Out. My grandfather was there, but he had a nasty fall over the Easter weekend and his face was recovering from it. My grandmother was out getting her hair done. Emery showed me what outfit she wanted to wear that day- the swimsuit tu-tu. Off we went to visit family in her swimsuit. She enjoyed getting the phone and "talking" on it. Such a girl! I wanted a photo of Emy and Tia Linda, but Emery wouldn't get off the phone! :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ma-scare-ya anyone?

Clark and I were having a conversation then quickly realized how quiet it was. That meant one thing.... someone was getting into something. For those of you who have kids... yep- trouble. For those that don't... be cautious- it means that someone is doing something they shouldn't.

Emery somehow got into my mascara. She opened the new package and got the dial open. She knows exactly where the mascara goes- the eye area. Once we noticed how quiet it was and saw what she was doing. She looked at us with the mascara wand and mascara section and said- "put in eye." By the way... this isn't the first time she has tried this.

Dancing Ballerina

Kathryn "Lovey" bought Emery a swimsuit for this summer. The suit looks like a tu-tu. It is too cute. I put it on Emery and her smile was all lit up. She felt very special in her tu-tu. She was even dancing for me in it. Huston got jealous when I was taking pics of Emy and he wanted me to snap some pics of him. Then he started playing with Emery's head... need I say more.
PS Auntie Tay-Tay bought H his shirt. :)

Easter Egg Hunt #3

After naps on Easter we had our family Easter Egg Hunt. Huston was a bit confused. I think he thought that you only have "hunts" in public with others. Clark and I hid over 40 eggs in our backyard while they were napping. Don't worry- there wasn't much candy to be hunted. It was mainly pennies and nickels for their piggy banks. I had enough of them eating candy. I think they ate candy all week long. They had the best time searching for eggs.

B-day Party!!

The other post before Easter... (April 11th)

Happy Birthday (Aunt) Elise!!!

The kids and I went to a birthday party Saturday night. A good friend of mine from middle school/high school days. We lost touch after high school and became reaquainted with after our first babies were born. It's funny how parallel our motherhood lives are. She has a son who is 2 1/2 months older than Huston and she has a daughter 2 1/2 months older than Emery. It's fun getting together for playdates because each kid has a friend. It was a fun party and the kids had a super time!! Happy Birthday Micheal and Anna!

Easter Celebration at Church

I forgot to include two posts before Easter...

The Saturday before Easter our church had an Easter Celebration. Lots of activities for the kids, lots of candy and lots of fun! They had different stations around the gym so kids could make placemats, decorate cookies (their fav!), color, etc. They even had a fun puppet show complete with donkey for kids to ride on. I forgot my camera in the car so I had to use my iphone. It doesn't take clear pics but it does the job!
PS Notice Huston's name tag. He wanted to put it on himself. Once he put it on I told him he had it upside down. He told me no- he was able to read it. I guess when your looking down at the name tag of course you can read it!

Easter 2009

This Easter was spent with the Allen's at the Oak Hills Country Club. I have so many fabulous memories going there with my family as a child. The Easters that we spent there were the best Easters for us! It was such a great time being there and enjoying all the festivities (brought back many memories for me!) The food was great, the company was fun and the Easter bunny brought more fun treats! Emery and Huston woke up to their Easter baskets (it had to take LOTS of bribery for Huston to wear his tie). We all went to church and then ended up eating until we were so full. They had an Easter egg hunt for the kids and they also had a balloon artist making those balloons that my kids love so much!! I have to say... the guy from the restaurant did a much better job. The guy at the club made the old traditional ones that we grew up with. We had a great Easter!


My dear sweet best friend's parents moved back to SA about a year ago from Washington, DC. It is nice having them back (even though we don't see them that often) because that means Taylor comes to town to visit them!!! :) Taylor adopted a cute little pup our senior year at Baylor- Barkley. Since Taylor is a flight-attendant for Continental, Barkley has been staying with his "grandparents" a lot in the past 3-4 years that Tayt has worked in the airline business. Well... I am thinking that Barkley is no longer Taylor's owner. He still adores Tayt, but Taylor's mom is his favorite (sorry, Tay!). Huston and Emery adore the little guy- most people do immediately. Tay's parents went out of town for Easter and Tay was flying so the kids and I helped them out with Barkley. The kids loves animals, but we cannot keep any with fur in the house due to Huston's allergies (maybe we will get a Portugese water dog like the Obama's). So, any opportunity to play with animals I let them. Emery and I took Barkley to Huston's school to pick him up. Huston's face lit up the room when he saw the little four-legged guy. We took Barkley back to his house afterwards and I couldn't find Emery for a second. Not too worry, she was laying down in the dog bed. Then she decided that his towel would make a good blanket for her. Huston was mesmorized by the light switch on the lamp. I am not kidding... he has been obsessed with electrical stuff since he was able to sit up. Maybe an electrical engineer is in his future... ??

Easter with G-ma & G-pa

That evening we went to dinner with my parents to celebrate Easter with them since we would not be celebrating this year with them on Easter. We went to a local Mexican Restaurant- La Hacienda. It was so much fun! The kids had a blast! They adore ALL of their grandparents and it is truly special to have both sets living in the same town as us. I LOVE my kids knowing their grandparents- it is very sweet and dear to me. Emery was dressed in a pretty white bloomer set and I know how she is with eating her refried beans! She doesn't wear bibs- never has- I think she doesn't like anything too tight around her neck. I packed along a Wiggles t-shirt for her to wear. You will notice the junkie t-shirt in the background... For kid entertainment, they have a wonderful playset outside (I forgot to take pics of them playing on it) and they happen to have a balloon person making requests for balloon art. Emery has always been my "monkey"- I have given her that name since birth- not sure why- maybe because I adore monkeys and I always wanted to have one as a pet?? And to make her pet-name worse... she climbs all over everything all the time that Huston started telling me about a year ago that she acted like a monkey because she was on top of everything. Pretty funny... so it has stuck. Naturally I chose a monkey balloon for her and Huston requested Tigger. I am not sure why- he doesn't like to watch the show. He thinks it's boring. Oh well! Anyway, of course when we arrived back at our table with the balloons the food had come out. Those stinking balloons were all over our hair and food. They had to be moved to the ground. It was pretty funny!

Easter Egg Hunt #2

A friend of mine from Junior League invited us over for their 3rd annual Easter Egg Hunt. The kids had a great time. Other than the hostess, we didn't know anyone. It was fun just hanging out with the kids. I feel like at most social events we go to they just tend to play with the other kids while I talk with the mommies that I know. We had fun. They played on the back deck for awhile, then swang a little (this was their first time to swing in a "big" kid swing without a front and back), had a pinata (sp?), finally the Easter egg hunt complete with surprise attack of the Easter Bunny. Emery DOES NOT like the Easter bunny. I guess there goes our Disney Land trip soon... :) Probably next year she will want to hug the bunny and take lots of photos with him. You have to admit, most of the time they do look pretty scary in their costumes. While the pinata was being hit, Emery decided to relax on me. It was getting close to naptime. Can't wait for the next one!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Nudist

Emery LOVES taking her clothes off. She enjoys running around the backyard without clothes. It's funny because Huston is VERY modest and Emery is quite the opposite. Tonight, Wednesdat night, Huston was still with Lovey and Clark came home to a nude girl running in the backyard. Clark hopped on the fence to see where our soccer ball went and Emery jumped on the fence as well. It was pretty funny seeing the two look at one another- especially the naked one. :)

Bling Bling!

Emery has just recently gotten into the whole "girl" thing. What's that you ask... The pink, the jewelry, the shoes, the movies and so forth. She was born with Thomas and Cars surrounding her that she was totally into all those characters for a long time. She has moved past the "boy" stuff. Her two favorite movies that she wants to watch ALL DAY LONG are: Tinkerbell & Madame Blueberry (Veggietale). Here she is putting on all her jewelry. Then she decided to "brush" her hair with a My Little Pony hairbrush, then she decided to put the hairbrush in the fish bowl and swish it around. When I told her to stop she stuck the dirty fishbowl watered-on brush directly in her mouth! YUCK! I got after her and she started crying. Before all this happened, she had taken off her bottoms and diaper (a new favorite- nude) so I put on some of Huston's training underpants on her. She likes wearing them. She also enjoys sitting on the little potty toting it around the house.

Fish update

I am happy to announce that the fish are still with us. Arnold and Edwina are still very popular with the kids. Emery loves climbing the bookshelf to see them on the ledge of the kitchen bar area. She even enjoys feeding them- too much.

First Easter Egg Hunt of the Season

My MOPS group hosted our 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt. This was my first time hunting eggs with the kids. Huston did it last year at school and Emery has never hunted for eggs. She got the hang of it really quickly! Huston was such a good big brother- he was helping her find eggs and putting them in her basket before he put any in his. As soon as they got all their eggs they sat down on the ground and immediately opened all their eggs to eat all the candy. Needless to say, they were WIRED after this!