Emery has just recently gotten into the whole "girl" thing. What's that you ask... The pink, the jewelry, the shoes, the movies and so forth. She was born with Thomas and Cars surrounding her that she was totally into all those characters for a long time. She has moved past the "boy" stuff. Her two favorite movies that she wants to watch ALL DAY LONG are: Tinkerbell & Madame Blueberry (Veggietale). Here she is putting on all her jewelry. Then she decided to "brush" her hair with a My Little Pony hairbrush, then she decided to put the hairbrush in the fish bowl and swish it around. When I told her to stop she stuck the dirty fishbowl watered-on brush directly in her mouth! YUCK! I got after her and she started crying. Before all this happened, she had taken off her bottoms and diaper (a new favorite- nude) so I put on some of Huston's training underpants on her. She likes wearing them. She also enjoys sitting on the little potty toting it around the house.
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