That evening we went to dinner with my parents to celebrate Easter with them since we would not be celebrating this year with them on Easter. We went to a local Mexican Restaurant- La Hacienda. It was so much fun! The kids had a blast! They adore ALL of their grandparents and it is truly special to have both sets living in the same town as us. I LOVE my kids knowing their grandparents- it is very sweet and dear to me. Emery was dressed in a pretty white bloomer set and I know how she is with eating her refried beans! She doesn't wear bibs- never has- I think she doesn't like anything too tight around her neck. I packed along a Wiggles t-shirt for her to wear. You will notice the junkie t-shirt in the background... For kid entertainment, they have a wonderful playset outside (I forgot to take pics of them playing on it) and they happen to have a balloon person making requests for balloon art. Emery has always been my "monkey"- I have given her that name since birth- not sure why- maybe because I adore monkeys and I always wanted to have one as a pet?? And to make her pet-name worse... she climbs all over everything all the time that Huston started telling me about a year ago that she acted like a monkey because she was on top of everything. Pretty funny... so it has stuck. Naturally I chose a monkey balloon for her and Huston requested Tigger. I am not sure why- he doesn't like to watch the show. He thinks it's boring. Oh well! Anyway, of course when we arrived back at our table with the balloons the food had come out. Those stinking balloons were all over our hair and food. They had to be moved to the ground. It was pretty funny!
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