We went out to dinner with some family friends of ours who have a son and daughter around E & H's age. Their little girl has Emery with shoe envy everytime we get together. She has the cutest shoes and Emery always wants them! These were too cute to pass up. They are these plastic purple flip flops with the Disney female characters- Snow White, Cinderella, and some other girl. The best part about them is that they light up when she walks. I've seen the tennis shoes and some sandals that light up- but these were so cute!! Probably because they were so little. We had to go to three store to pick up these babies and they were $18 (for some plastic kid flip-flops!) but we got them for her!! She is a happy camper. Thanks again to Kendall Keller- who happens to be a trendsetter!!
8 years ago
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