Since we are really close to the White Family (and our homes are less than a mile from each other) we have started a "date co-op". This means that once a month the White's watch our kids while Clark and I go out and vice versa with Tom and Terri. Our kids LOVE one another and play very well together so it makes it super easy to do this arrangement. Tom and Terri went to the movies while we watched Megan and Addison. We ate Mexican food on the back patio and the "older" kids played in the little house. Addie decided that she was just going to hang out and eat. She ate some beans, guac and a tortilla. Of course to end her meal I gave the kids some red jello for dessert and Addie thought it was amazing! She would get her little hand in the other kids leftovers and just go to town sucking out any jello that she possibly could. If you know Terri you would know that she has her girls dressed for a special occasion all the time- whether they are hanging out at home (you should see their cute pj's!) or going to the park. I always kid around with Terri and tell her to PLEASE bring her kids over in their "junky" clothing because I am not liable for the stains that might occur. Of course little Addie got red jello all over her clothes and (white) shoes. I gave all the girls a bath and Huston was very jealous. He kept asking me why he couldn't go in the tub with the girls. Poor thing... he had no clue. He thought that we were being mean and not allowing him to play with his friends. After hearing him beg and cry we put him in the tub at the very end and he and Megan played for about 2 minutes in the tub. The kids ended up on the kid-couches for a movie before bedtime and Tom & Terri to arrive back. It was fun- it was busy. Heck, there were four kids under the age of four running around. At least they had a fun time. Best of all... each couple gets time off and enjoy each other!!
8 years ago
Poor Ems...did they strip her shirt off and lock her in the play house? She looks devastated! This will be one of those photos saved for her rehearsal dinner!