Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Clark went to a Notre Dame football game at the Alamodome on Halloween evening. This being my least favorite holiday- it was not a big deal. I had planned on staying at home and watching a movie with the kids. They had celebrated plenty this week for Halloween. Then I caved. It was 5pm and we needed something to do before it was time for bath and bed. So I got them in their costumes and we headed out for some candy. Hey, who can beat some free entertainment, huh?? I opened a bottle of wine and took my glass of wine with me as we started our adventure. We went around the block at 6pm- not much happening. Once we went around the block again- the action was starting. The kids had the best time and we probably only went to 8-10 homes. Their bags were STUFFED with candy. Once we got home they got to enjoy two pieces of candy before it was time for a bath. Then they went straight to bed without a peep!

Season is almost over!

I cannot believe that Huston has two more games for the entire season! Where has the time gone?? This has been an awesome year for him to be doing this. He has really blossomed and enjoys all the boys on his team. About half of the team goes to SACS! Gotta love my old alma mater! I am so thrilled to see such a progress in him. He has really come out of his shell- and he is becoming such a big boy! Today, October 31, Huston got to ride in Jim's "race car" to the game. He loved sitting in the front with the top down. While we are at the game- Clark enjoys sitting in the dugout with all the kids while they wait their turn to bat. We had some tired kids today- they were up late last night carving pumpkins with the White's. Huston gets a kick out of making "snow angels" in the orange dirt. He does this at practice and at the games. I have to get after him and tell him to get up and play the game- it's not snow. I guess since we don't get any snow we have to make up for it somehow. Today was my friend Shannon's turn to bring the snack after the game- Andrew's momma. She came with this Captain Morgan box. I think she was subtly trying to tell us something. She didn't think a thing of it until she arrived and all the dads quickly noticed and said something immediately to her (as a joke, of course). She was very embarassed- yet handled herself very well.

Pumpkin Carving Time!

On Friday, October 30, we went over the White's home. The guys were pumped to do a little pumpkin carving while the kids were excited to play together. We ate pizza and mingled with our dear friends. Then the time to carve the pumpkins was on! The guys chose some hard designs- Clark wanted to do one of Barack Obama's face. I told him no- I was out-voted. Good thing that time ran out- maybe next year! First, Tom cut off the tops with a new gadget that he had. Meanwhile Clark and Huston were in charge of scooping out the insides of each pumpkin. Huston had some practice from pumpkin days at school this month- he knew exactly what to do! Megan and Emery were playing with all the dress up clothes they didn't have time to bother with the pumpkins- other than joining us with a new dress on every 10 minutes or so. (Side note: I was outside checking out the work that the guys had done and noticed that the kids and Terri were inside. I went inside to see what was going on- only to see Terri helping Huston put on a pink princess dress. Thanks alot, Terri! Just wait until your payback comes!) Of course the finished product looks neat. Of course ours is complete with a background light up of the Notre Dame clover leaf... HA! We had the best time! Thanks, Tom and Terri!!

Halloween at Petroleum Club

On Wednesday, October 28, we went to the Petroleum Club with my mom. The kids were able to dress up in their costumes and they had pumpkins set-up to decorate. You could either carve your pumpkin or paint it. We stuck with painting our pumpkins. Huston wanted to be a superhero this year but wasn't sure which one. So, we dubbed him Super H. Emery loves wearing her ballerina swimsuit- so only fitting that she wore her swimsuit! After we painted our pumpkins we ate an Italian meal and finished our evening with a game of Musical Chairs. Huston and Emery have never played the game before. I haven't played in years and it was one of my favorites in my early elementary years. Huston got the hang of it and lasted pretty long in the game. He was the youngest in a group of 11/12 and younger. He had a ball!!

Huston's first t-ball game!!

I haven't posted pics of H's first game. The first game was quite humorous. The boys were mainly into races each other around the bases- having no clue as to how to play the game. (I think their interest level was low, actually) Huston is posing with his friend, Andrew and then with his other friend, Brock. Trying to get a pic with all three boys that day was not possible. They were excited to horse-around!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Team Photo

Thursday, October 29, Huston had his team photo taken. Stay tuned- I will post the official photo when I get it. It was unusually cold. The entire day was a balmy 80 degrees. Then when we met up for the team photo- it dropped about 25 degrees. Once we were done shivering and got in our car to go home- the temperature said 54 degrees.
*Huston's best friends: Andrew is next to him and Brock is the tallest boy on the top row.

Great Grandma "Tayne"

Wednesday, October 28, my mom and I were planning on taking my Grandmother LaMontagne out to a quiet nice lunch. The plans were changed at the last minute and we had the kids with us. It worked out well because the kids and my grandmother had the best time! It's a lot of work taking the kids and my grandmother out but you can tell by the pics that it was well worth it!! While we were eating, Huston decided that he was a bunny hopping all over the booth. My grandmother just laughed and laughed. We all had the best time! It's these special times that Huston and Emery will remember their great grandma!


Huston went to the dentist this month because he kept telling me his mouth/tooth hurt. He also made comments to his teachers and to Lovey (Kathryn). So, I made an appointment for him to be checked out. It turned out to be a cold sore on the side of his mouth. He had the best time riding all the rides at the dentist office. I forgot to take pics and remembered at the end while he was riding his last ride. He loves going to the dentist- but not necessarily the utensils in his mouth.

H's first ER trip

One Friday morning I was in a hurry to take the kids to an appointment. I was grabbing our bags and telling the kids- "Let's go!" Huston comes running to me crying and telling me about a Lego piece in his nose. This is very our of character for Huston to be putting things in his mouth, ears, nose. He is my cautious child of the two. Now if Emery did it I wouldn't be surprised! (Earlier that week she swallowed a penny- we still haven't found it. I am pretty sure she is ok though- her plumbing works just fine.) I was a little unsure if he was just saying that and nothing was in his nose or what. I asked him to see about blowing it OUT and he just blows his nose IN. (We are still working on that one!) So, blowing IN a few times mighty forcefully sure did lodge it right up there. I called Clark at work and we agreed to meet at the ER. Once there they took his vitals and then put him in a special room. The doctor came in to see where it was located and then went to get a nurse. Poor Huston was put in a "straight jacket" made of pillowcases and sheets. That was the most painful part for him to be where he couldn't move his arms and legs. The nurse, Clark and I held Huston while the doctor picked out the Lego arm with special tweezers. It took about 1 minute and then it was over. As a prize, Huston got two purple Popsicles and a sticker. Bravo, Huston!

lunch with G-ma and G-pa

We met my parents for lunch one Sunday after church. We ended up at Olive Garden- because of the central location (Ellis family in town). There was a balloon guy making any balloon creation for the kids in the restaurant. Huston chose a dinosaur and Emery a crown (what else for the Princess!). I managed to get a pic of my dad- Grandpa Bob and then my dad tried to get a pic with E and I. You gotta be fast with these kids! They had a great time and enjoyed seeing their cousins! Sadly, I didn't take any pics with Braden and Landon. :(

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Every October our church brings in pumpkins to sell. Of course everytime that entire month we are at the church it is a must to visit the patch. Since we are at our church at least 5 days out of the week we always make our way to the patch. (Yes, in some of these pics H & E have on their jammies. Clark and I take a class on Monday nights so I let them go to church in their jammies. They love it- they think it is pretty cool.)

Huston as a puppy

Huston came home one day from school with these puppy ears. He loved wearing them. I think they were talking about pets at school so they made some puppy ears. Here he is showing them off.

Emery's hair cut

Late September, Emery got her first hair cut. She had her bangs cut over the summer but this time length was taken off. She did really well in the chair-especially because she was watching a princess movie. Good job, Emery!!