One Friday morning I was in a hurry to take the kids to an appointment. I was grabbing our bags and telling the kids- "Let's go!" Huston comes running to me crying and telling me about a Lego piece in his nose. This is very our of character for Huston to be putting things in his mouth, ears, nose. He is my cautious child of the two. Now if Emery did it I wouldn't be surprised! (Earlier that week she swallowed a penny- we still haven't found it. I am pretty sure she is ok though- her plumbing works just fine.) I was a little unsure if he was just saying that and nothing was in his nose or what. I asked him to see about blowing it OUT and he just blows his nose IN. (We are still working on that one!) So, blowing IN a few times mighty forcefully sure did lodge it right up there. I called Clark at work and we agreed to meet at the ER. Once there they took his vitals and then put him in a special room. The doctor came in to see where it was located and then went to get a nurse. Poor Huston was put in a "straight jacket" made of pillowcases and sheets. That was the most painful part for him to be where he couldn't move his arms and legs. The nurse, Clark and I held Huston while the doctor picked out the Lego arm with special tweezers. It took about 1 minute and then it was over. As a prize, Huston got two purple Popsicles and a sticker. Bravo, Huston!
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