San Antonio has an awesome indoor rodeo- in fact, I think they keep winning awards. We were invited by the Allen's to go with them to the rodeo this year and then to see Tobey Keith in concert. I once thought Tobey was cute... must have been in my cowboy phase (that lasted a day!) We had a great time seeing all the bull-riding, mutton bustin', barrell racing and of course, eating! Kathryn and I were feeling in the mood for a SMALL drink. Clark went to go get one for us and came back with two "yards" of swirl margaritas. I think within the first five minutes, Kathryn had guloed hers down. Funny part- she kept complaining of a "head freeze". Maybe if she s-l-o-w-e-d down it might not have hurt. :) I posted a pic of her drink after the first 5 minutes- notice the drinks. When Tobey came on stage somehow I thought I would only know about 2 songs. I was pleasantly surprised that I knew most of the songs! It was a fun night!
8 years ago
Marguaritas? I thought they were SLUSHIES? NOW you tell me! No wander I had a headache!