Elise and I had the kids Saturday night (March 20). We had just finished dinner with all the kids and were about to head down to the bowling alley. We had finished dinner a little sooner than anticipated and had some time to kill. We went to the pet store. I was thinking that it was Saturday night and who in the world goes to a pet store then? HA! It was packed in the store! We looked at all the puppies behind the glass while we laughed and giggled! Elise passed by a Maltese puppy and said that was the dog she really wants. Their friends have one named "Molly" so we gathered the kids into a room and asked to hold "Molly". Each child had the opportunity to hold this puppy. They loved holding her (or him, never found out) and enjoyed that quick time. We gave the puppy back and started leaving the room. Landon was crying very loudly that several people were staring at us. He was crying so hard because he wanted to take "Molly" home and couldn't understand why we were holding her and not taking her home. It was so cute/funny!! He even had to touch the glass where she was to say good-bye! The most intriguing animals for the kids to watch over and over again- the gerbils.
8 years ago
Ειδικό Επαγγελματικό Γυμνάσιο Αιγάλεω
Ονοματεπώνυμο Ειδικότητα
Παραράς Ιωάννης ΠΕ 17.04 Διευθυντής
Κρανίτη Μαρία ΠΕ 02 Υποδιευθύντρια
Δήμου Αικατερίνη ΠΕ01
Φώτογλου Θεόδωρος ΠΕ02
Μιχαλέλη Κλεοπάτρα ΠΕ02
Γρηγοριάδη Ναταλία ΠΕ03
Κοντορούσης Δημήτριος ΠΕ04
Παπαχριστοδούλου Αικατερίνη ΠΕ04
Κοντοπούλου Αθανασία ΠΕ06
Λουκάς Δημήτριος ΠΕ08
Κοτσαβασιλειάδου Αναστασία ΠΕ11
Ματσάγκος Παναγής ΠΕ12.04
Ζάχου Σταματία ΠΕ18.12
Παλιού Στέλλα ΠΕ19
Φωτάκης Αδάμ ΠΕ20
Κονταράκη Αργυρώ ΠΕ30
Τρίτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
Επανέναρξη μαθημάτων μετά τις διακοπές των Χριστουγέννων.
Καλή Χρονιά και Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος!
Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας
Μίνωος&Προόδου, Αιγάλεω, Τ.Κ. 12241
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