Yes, after a year of potty-training Huston- I can officially say he potty trained. We started last January (2009) training Huston and it was not an easy task. He finally got the hang of it last summer, but it's been touch and go in the fall. LOTS of constant reminders. Now, there aren't any. Just an occasional- don't forget to use the potty before we leave. It truly is nice. Please don't ask about the night-time. We will cross that bridge when we get there. Now it's Emery who is training like a champ! She wants to wear underpants out but I have been the one dragging my feet in training her. I have this phobia of public bathrooms. Boys are easy... girls not so much. And yes, we had a potty in our living room. We were watching a movie and she insisted on wearing underpants so I brought the potty to her so she wouldn't have any excuses. I guess we should say..."have potty will travel." She likes to "read" on the potty and talk on the phone. I didn't think of the bathroom fights with the two of them sharing a bathroom- that has already begun. Here's to many more bathroom fights!
8 years ago
Living room etiquette...TV a must, books needed, potty seat good idea...clothes optional?